Sunday, October 21, 2012

my night turns bad

what a life :( from happy to sorry ....
awalnya udah seneng banget, pulang ke rumah laptop udah selesai diservice pasca mendapatkan sebuah kick off dari ayah. sampe rumah langsung buka laptop, buka email, buka blog dan bahkan sampe bikin wordpress yang akhirnya bikin stress sendiri

awalnya masih enjoy bergelut dengan wordpress yang membuat mata, otak dan hati bekerja lebih keras daripada biasanya. terus sempet bikin new entry untuk blog ini. awalnya mau nyeritain betapa pusingnya bergelut dengan wordpress, tapi si mamah dateng dan cerita kalo ayah udah baca buku tentang kewirausahaan yang gue kasih. excited banget dengernya, finally could give a thing for my dad and maybe his bussiness :p amiin. actually, it's my expectation :D then mama told that my father want to have new culinary bussiness which is different from mostly culinary bussiness around home. then we googling for some receipes which can give inspiration for my mother's cooking on the next day

taddaaaaaaaa.............. googling is done and i turn back to my new blog and wordpress, but i don't know why when i click the new-tab-button, my google chrome became error and it fucked me up :'( i'm loving surfing in internet via google chrome and id if couldn't usable anymore, i don't know what shud i do then uugggghhhh

wish my google chrome would getting well very very soon!!!!! really need it back!

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